7th Annual Sporting Clays

Saturday, May 17, 2023 8:45 am – 1:30 pm

5th Annual Knights of Columbus #9368
Sporting Clay Contest
Copperhead Creek Shooting Club
7030 RM 1431, Marble Falls, TX 78654

Registration: 8:15 am
Safety Meeting: 9:00 am
Shooting Contest: 9:20 am
Flurry Contest: 12:00 pm
Lunch/Awards: 12:30 pm

Online Registration (click here)

Thank You Sponsors


KC Council 9368 will be holding its Annual fun-filled skeet shoot contest on Saturday, May 20, 2023 at Copperhead Shooting Range in Marble Falls, TX, from 9am-1:30pm.
This event is open to males and females and ages 12+. So bring your spouses, your kids and grandkids. The event will have 4 categories: teens (12-17), adult men (18+), adult women (18+) and teams of four (4) with at least one adult on the team. Prizes will be offered to the top winner of each category.

Make the event a family oriented event. Invite friends, fellow parishioners, and office colleagues to join us and have fun. 

Note: All proceeds will go to help seminarians pay for their education, support women in need by funding Pro-Life causes and ultra-sound machines, support the St. Vincent de Paul food pantry, help St. William Catholic Church with some of its needs like providing the lightings near McNeil Rd and the speed bumps for safety in the area, support the Thanksgiving event of “Annie’s Way” and the Christmas event of “Just Because” and help others where possible wishing to deepen their faith through retreats and overseas ministries as well as serving the community wherever needed to name just a few things.

If you have questions, please call Frank Alvarez at 512-964-2637 or email me.

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