Friday Lenten Fish Fry

March 7 thru April 11

Fridays during Lent, the Knights of Columbus Chisholm Trail Council 9368 invite the Saint William community for their Annual Lenten Fish Fry from 5 pm – 7:30 pm in the Pavilion. Indoor dining and drive thru ordering are available. Desserts will be provided on alternating weeks by the Catholic Daughters, Junior Catholic Daughters, Ladies Guild and the Boy Scouts.

Plates are $14 and include your choice of Fried Catfish or Baked Tilapia, fries or baked potato, pinto beans, hush puppies and coleslaw.

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November 2023 Newsletter

Brother Knights,
I hope everyone is doing well. It appears that we have jumped straight from Summer to Winter! Maybe Fall will sneak its head in this month. I’ve been really busy with replacing both cars and getting a new roof as a result of the September hailstorm. Rebecca & I are both enjoying our new vehicles. I was lucky enough to have spent some relaxing time out at a lake house this past month. I don’t remember the last time I did it, however, it was really cool watching the eclipse. We had a perfect day and a good time socializing. Last week I had an enjoyable time watching the RR Dragons and the Texas Longhorns win their football games. Last week I attended a fundraising banquet in support of Central Texas Fellowship of Catholic Men (CTFCM). The keynote speaker, David Bereit, was really good. Among other activities, David is a mentor for young ministry leaders and is the founder and former CEO of 40 Days for Life. He told his story of how he waited for ever to convert to Catholicism, down to Holy Saturday before he took his vows. He was a dynamic speaker on the topic of pro-life. You could feel his energy. He was doing what we are all called to do: Evangelize. Brothers, I suggest that all of us find the virtue that we are passionate about and pursue it. Put your trust in Jesus and he will give you the words needed.

Thank you to those that have supported the Food Drive on Monday afternoons. We have processed just shy of 8K lbs of food. Also, thank you to those that have been attending the 1st Friday Adoration, followed by the fellowship. We our entering our end of year activities. Please step up when called for the following:

75th Anniversary Mass – Sat. Nov. 18th
The Church has asked for Knights to support Ushering.

Annie’s Way – Wed. Nov. 22nd
Come out for the fellowship with your brother knights as we prepare food for Annie’s Way and enjoy some beverages and grilled food.

Breakfast w/St. Nick – Sat. Dec. 2nd
Come join us at the Parish Hall as we cook pancakes and sausages and serve breakfast to the parish community.

Christmas Party – Wed. Dec. 20th
Join us we celebrate Christmas with our brother Knights.

Thanks and God Bless,
Rick Mara, Grand Knight Council 9368
Saint William Catholic Church, Round Rock Tx

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Council Awarded Star Council

District Deputy Thomas Martinez presents Chisholm Trail Council #9368 Grand Knight Rick Mara the Star Council Award for 2023. Congratulations Council #9368 of the Knights of Columbus.

The Star Council Award recognizes outstanding achievement in membership, insurance and programming. In order to achieve the Star Council Award, a council must earn the Father McGivney, Founders’, and Columbian Awards. Additionally, the council must submit both the Annual Survey of Fraternal Activity (#1728) and Service Program Personnel Report (#365). In the United States and Canada councils must also be fully compliant with applicable safe environment requirements.

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